4 ways a unified school system will save you time and resources 
“Teachers overwhelmed by stress use less effective teacher strategies.”
Beedle is built within Microsoft Teams to support a productive working environment for teachers and educators. No need to learn a new platform, simply add the Beedle app to Teams, and go!

As an educator, I’m faced with many hard decisions. In fact, researchers once found that teachers make an average of 1500 decisions a day. That’s four per minute! One of the toughest decisions that has come out of the COVID-19-era has been what technology to use inside and outside the classroom. I know how important it is to have working systems in place for things like parent communication, grading, and student assignments.  I also know first-hand that the tech we choose can set classrooms up for success or make a giant mess. Whatever I choose, it should be easy to use and include features that I can use both inside and outside of my classroom.  

So, let me ask you: How do the systems at your schoolwork together? Are you constantly working way too hard trying to figure out which technology? Do some of your existing tools put too much of a burden on your teachers? Do you feel like your goals aren’t really met? If so, we have a lot in common. I felt the same way before I was introduced to Beedle.  

#1: Streamline tasks all within one seamless application 

One thing educators do not need is one more thing added to their already full plates. In my experience, a typical day can feel like 50 different tabs are open in my brain at any given moment. A unified system has helped me to streamline the tasks of my day. It has also helped me to stay more organized because I have one seamless system that shows me what needs to be done throughout my day to eliminate my workload at night. (I might just get a chance to enjoy that new Netflix show tonight!) Beedle is an all-in-one solution space within Microsoft Teams for things like lesson planning, assignments, calendar items, student comments and feedback, attendance, and more. Tools like this should be staples in every classroom. 

#2: Communicate with parents and students with the touch of a button 

I don’t know about you, but this is an area where I really struggle. By the end of the day, I do not want “one more thing” to do like sending a parent email or logging student information into a separate software for parents. This is where having a unified system that gives parental access can be a life saver. The Beedle Parent App allows selected aspects of learning to be shared with guardians directly. No extra work on the educator’s side is involved because it is already being done within the Beedle system in connection with Microsoft Teams. Parents can install the Beedle Parent App on their Apple or Android mobile device, so everyone has quick access to the information they want. Check that “to do” item off the long list and breathe a sigh of relief! 

#3: Maintain one system instead of ten different systems 

Schools often struggle with where or how to spend support funding and when it comes to technology, this can be especially true. Other factors come into play here such as money for staff, support resources, and time when maintaining systems. Keeping track of one system versus ten or more different systems is a no-brainer when it comes to adding value…  not to mention how hard it is to ensure that those separate applications work and play well together when data needs to be shared. Beedle is housed within Microsoft Teams, so maintenance management and implementation happen right inside the Office 365 Admin portal. There is no need to hire more staff or lessen budgets.  

#4: Work within a familiar environment 

I have worked in different aspects of education for about ten years. According to an article from, “Teachers overwhelmed by stress use less effective teacher strategies.” Stress can come on for a lot of different reasons, but one of those contributing factors can be trying to learn new technology every few months or so. I certainly agree! Allowing teachers to work within a familiar environment, such as Microsoft Teams, reduces stress.  Beedle is built within Microsoft Teams to support a productive working environment for teachers and educators. No need to learn a new platform, simply add the Beedle app to Teams, and go! Being able to eliminate the “learn this new software overnight and use it tomorrow with your students” mentality builds trust between school leaders and educators and ultimately, maintains happier teachers. A win-win! 

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